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Our Privacy Policy concerning COPPA

Here at Boiling Springs Baptist Church, we strive to protect our Children. We also strive to follow federal law, which is in place to protect your children's privacy. We here at Boiling Springs take it a step further by requiring all Children and Youth to have a Media Release from filled out before we begin to use them in any of our media platforms. We would like permission for your children to be show in the following platforms. If you have not turned in a Media Release form yet, then please turn in the Media Release form to our church clerk as soon as possible. What we need permission is described in the following bullet points. 


* Permission to have your children's names posted our website, our bulletin (as they will be posted on our Website),  and our Facebook account.


*Permission to have pictures of your children posted both on our website and our Facebook account. 

*Finally Permission to have your children's in videos that will appear both on our website and our YouTube account.

*Also all videos that feature children 12 and younger are automatically marked "made for kids" on YouTube, so you do not have to worry about people targeting them. 

Thank you for your corporation.


Here is a link for our Media Release form:



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